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Supplement Godfather

Q: I think Garcinia Cambogia (HCA) has been around for years, but now my girlfriend wants to start using it to lose weight because she saw it on the Dr. Oz show. How does it work?...

Q: What’s the best way to use carnitine for fat loss?

Q: How bad is drinking alcohol when it comes to losing fat and building muscle? Is it really that bad for you?

Did you know that the average North American adult will experience between one and six colds each year and up to 20 percent of the population will suffer a more serious bout of flu? Not good news...

Raspberry Ketone has become  an extremely popular fat-burning ingredient in recent years because the infamous Dr. Oz has repeatedly mentioned its bene ts on his TV show. Before Dr. Oz had probably...

Q: I’ve noticed that curcumin and turmeric are getting a lot of good press lately, even in the mainstream media. What’s the difference between these two ingredients and what kinds of ...

Q: What are some “superfood” ingredients that I should look out for in a greens product?

A: There are a lot of great ingredients that can be included in greens products, ...

Q: I feel like aggravations at work are affecting me outside the office. How bad is stress and how can it affect my physique and health?


Q: I notice you include L-theanine in different formulas. What are all the benefits of this ingredient?
