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Jay Cutler Shares Fit-for-50 Transformation Update

Roger “Rock” Lockridge

Four-time Mr. Olympia and three-time Arnold Classic champion Jay Cutler has stayed in solid shape since his retirement from the stage in 2013, but he wanted to see how far he could push himself in 2023. So, he created his own “Fit for Fifty” transformation challenge. His goal is to be in his best shape possible by Aug. 3, 2023, which is Cutler’s 50th birthday.

On June 28th, Cutler shared a video update on his progress with seven weeks to go as of the filming of the video. He looks great as many fans expected, but the thumbnail of the video indicates that he may not be satisfied with his progress,

Cutler filmed the opening of the video at Fit Club in Las Vegas, NV, and he told the camera that he would be training chest and calves. He also shared that he is training on a three-on, one-off, two-on, one-off schedule.

The video goes on to show various highlights of Cutler’s calves and chest training. He then goes into the gym’s posing room where he reveals his physique and hits a variety of poses such as the most muscular, side chest, and front double biceps poses, among others. Following that sequence, he expressed how he’s feeling at this stage of his “prep.”

“I’m feeling pretty good. Like I said, I had a little mishap where (two weeks ago) I didn’t get all my meals in, and I think the meals, like I mentioned, are the most important thing. So, the bodyweight is not where I want it to be. I want to be 250 (pounds), and I’m about 245 now.”

Cutler may not be as large as he was when he was holding the Sandow Trophy, but for a man that is about to turn 50 years old, he looks very impressive. Even though he was ripped, he wants to get even leaner and fuller by his self-imposed deadline. He hopes to do that with extra cardio.

“I did my cardio this morning, I did 40 minutes. I added now two sessions of cardio in. So, I'm doing at least 30 minutes in the evening.”

Cutler also explained that he’s using his diet to help make adjustments to his physique as he sees fit. If he looks flat, he adds calories to fill out, and vice-versa if he wants to look more shredded.  He then revealed that even though his transformation date is his birthday, he’ll keep working to get better long after that.

“So, by the time everybody sees me at the Olympia in November, you know, I’ll still be in the phase of keeping the size, and who knows what the goal will be.”

Cutler had shared repeatedly that he won’t return to the stage as a competitor, but nonetheless, him being in any type of prep mode has been enough to keep fans intrigued and entertained. Muscle Insider will follow up with Cutler’s results after the end of his Fit for Fifty journey.

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