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Q. How powerful is ephedrine as a fat burner? In your opinion, was the USA ban on its use justified? A. Ephedrine is a stimulant similar to amphetamine but with substantially less potent effects. It...
Q. Is it true that whey protein can actually help you burn fat? A. Last issue, I wrote about all of the underreported health benefits that make whey protein one of the healthiest foods you can eat,...
Q. What is beta–alanine and how does it work? A. Beta-alanine is a non-essential, non-structural (it doesn’t get used to build proteins like muscle) amino acid. It increases the body’s carnosine...
Q. Mark, do the top pros actually use the supplements they endorse, or do they just use steroids? No bullshit, Gilly! A. Anyone who’s been around a while in this industry knows plenty of guys use...
Q. I’m using a pre-workout powder and get unbelievable energy from the stuff. I read that it contains geranium in it, which is supposed to be responsible for the real kick you get. Have you used...
Q. Can creatine be used pre-contest? A. Certain people and companies have convinced much of the weight-training public that creatine somehow makes you look “soft.” But creatine is stored in...
Q. How does synephrine work, and why the hell did Health Canada ban it from being included in any fat burners? A. Synephrine is the principal active extract found in the herb Citrus aurantium (...
Q. I saw you on the video for the Dorian Yates Blood & Guts seminar that MUSCLE INSIDER put on. What would you say were the top 5 best training secrets you learned? The one main thing I...
Q. Do you think the side effects in the media for steroids are under reported or over reported? A. I’ve worked for two of the world’s biggest pharma companies and acted as an expert witness on...
QUESTION: I know you work with some of the top names in the U.K. so I ask you the honest truth: Do Olympic athletes really take supplements? ANSWER: The IOC (International Olympic Committee) has...
