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2024 Vancouver Island Showdown Pro Results

Bodybuilding was celebrated in a big way at the 2024 Vancouver Island Showdown Pro in Victoria, BC on April 20th. Both amateur and pro shows were promoted Corey Swiergosz and Andrew Kersten, which included IFBB Pro Wellness, IFBB Pro Women’s Physique, and IFBB Pro Women’s Bodybuilding division contests with Olympia qualifications on the line. Muscle Insider was in the house as were several renowned bodybuilding personalities including the Fit Rockstar herself, Isabelle Turell. Here’s a brief look back at what happened onstage in Victoria.

Emily Azzarello is Wellness Champion

Canada had one champion in this show. Emily Azzarello was the best out of eight competitors in this show, and she was rewarded with first place honors as well as a 2024 Wellness Olympia qualification. Jasmine Payne came in second place, and Giovanna Favero Taques Loyola took third. You can see Azzarello in winning form below, courtesy of Muscle Insider on Instagram.


  1. Emily Azzarello
  2. Jasmine Payne
  3. Giovanna Favero Taques Loyola
  4. Debora Paula De Oliveira
  5. Joanna Jean
  6. Nicollette Burns
  7. Kaedi Doi
  8. Pierrette Ebami

Marianna Von Gierke Takes Women’s Physique

So, no one is perfect, and we may or may not have been off on our predictions. We predicted the three Women’s Physique athletes would finish in alphabetical order, but it was the other way around. Congratulations to Marianne Von Gierke, who was the best on this day out of the three competitors in this division. This is her first win, and it will lead to her Olympia debut if she decides to do the show. Arbe Myhre made her pro debut at this show, and Julie Scultz rounded out the top three. You can see Marianne’s presentation from pre-judging here.


  1. Marianne Von Gierke
  2. Julie Schultz
  3. Arbe Myhre

Women’s Bodybuilding – Julia Whitsel Wins

Julia Whitesel was the runner-up in this show one year ago, and she came back to seek redemption. She got it by dominating the Women’s Bodybuilding event this past weekend. Once she hit the stage, there was no doubt who was winning. She is now eligible to return to the Ms. Olympia stage, where she finished in the top ten last year. Second place went to Lena Betka, and the top three was rounded out by Melanie Horton. Powerlifting icon Marianna Gasparyan also made her pro debut in this event, and she finished in fourth place. 

  1. Julia Whitesel
  2. Lena Betka
  3. Melanie Horton
  4. Marianna Gasparyan
  5. Michelle Bogden

Muscle Insider’s coverage of the 2024 Vancouver Island Showdown was made possible by Iron Kingdom Nutrition. Go check out their line of supplements at www.ironkingdom.com and follow @ironkingdomnutrition on Instagram.

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