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Q: Is there a supplement or food tricks to prevent muscle loss while cutting? A: Not only can you retain muscle while losing fat, but you can gain muscle. In fact, you should gain muscle if you know...
What do you think of Vince “The Iron Guru” Gironda’s writings? Was he all hype, or could one learn from him? I used to read his column in MUSCLEMAG all the time! Vince Gironda was an innovative...
Do you have any advice on how a new personal trainer can be successful and make a decent living in this competitive market? I’ll share with you three simple rules to help make your personal training...
Q: I'm thinking of adding cardio to my strength training to help me drop to 7 percent bodyfat. Do you think this is the best approach to for me to take? A: NO! Definitely NO! Especially if you're...
Q. I don’t hear much about vitamin C lately. Isn’t it important to take a vitamin C supplement to prevent scurvy? A. Just about every Nutrition 101 class tells the story about how European sailors...
Q. What’s the buzz on Coenzyme Q10? A. In many ways, Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, is one of the most powerful nutrients in our bodies. It plays a critical role in the proper functioning of your cells as...
Q. What's your take on using digestive enzymes? A. I only recommend enzymes if you’re still breathing! If you’ve reached room temperature, don’t worry about it. Because so many things cause a...
Q: I am currently 96 kg at 15% body fat and would like to be between 6% to 7%. If my calculations are correct, it means I have to lose about 8-9 kilos. I was thinking about dropping my calories to...
Q: You’re a celebrity in the fitness industry – some would say that you are an outlier in your profession. But there are individuals who attack you on Internet forums. You never respond to them, but...
QUESTION: What is your opinion on walking for weight loss?A: Walking is a great exercise, at the age of 65 my grandmother started to walk 10 kilometers a day. Now she is 88, and we still don’t know...
