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Anabolic Cooking

Dave Ruel
Has your diet gone from passable to poor to downright plain? Dave Ruel can fix that! He’s seen amateurs and pros go the usual route of steamed chicken, baked potatoes, and broccoli for every meal. So whether your goal is to gain mass, get shredded, burn fat, or tone up in time for competition, Dave can teach you that there is a far tastier and better way. With Dave’s approach, you’re never dieting. And, as North America’s most trusted fitness cook, Dave is also the author of Anabolic Cooking (available at http://www.anaboliccooking.com).
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Rosemary Marinated Salmon

By: Dave Ruel

Makes 4 servings

1 Tbsp lemon juice
½ tsp rosemary, crumbled
4 tsp olive oil
4 × 6-oz. salmon steaks
Pepper, to taste

1. Combine all ingredients, except
salmon, in a bowl.
2. Pour mix into the bottom of
a small baking dish.
3. Add salmon steaks and turn to coat.
4. Marinate 15 minutes.
5. Wrap each steak in aluminum foil.
6. Bake for about 20 minutes at 350°F.

Calories: 226 Protein: 34 g
Carbs: 0 g Fat: 10 g

For another amazing salmon recipe, check out this link: