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Exercise and Its Effect on Aging By John Robert Cardillo
John Robert Cardillo - John Robert Cardillo
Dr. David Sinclair, a professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School, says that exercise is another way to combat the aging cycle. Sinclair has conducted experiments that demonstrate slowing and... more
Ginger Molasses Protein Oats Cookie
Michelle Ralph-Larose - Michelle Ralph-Larose
These Warm spices and aroma in the morning will make your senses and tummy very happy and a great way to fuel the beginning of your day. Ingredients: Add to your bowl: 1/2 cup quick oats  2/3... more
Fasting And Its Effects On Ageing By John Robert Cardillo
John Robert Cardillo - John Robert Cardillo
David Sinclair is a professor at Harvard Medical School whose research regarding the benefits of fasting has challenged our understanding of aging and how learning and memory are directly affected by... more
Julie Drapeau Transformation
Transformations - Transformations
By day, Julie Drapeau is the Vice President of Sales for Purity Life Health Products, one of Canada’s largest distributors of dietary supplements, functional foods and beauty products. Her career... more
How to Increase Life Span By John Robert Cardillo
John Robert Cardillo - John Robert Cardillo
There’s an old expression in sports: “Father Time is undefeated.” That means aging athletes can rarely turn back the clock to their glory days as their careers wind down. Up to now, the same... more
Preventing Muscle Loss While Cutting
The Poliquin Principles - Charles Poliquin
Q: Is there a supplement or food tricks to prevent muscle loss while cutting? A: Not only can you retain muscle while losing fat, but you can gain muscle. In fact, you should gain muscle if you know... more
