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Manitoba Muscle

Darren Mehling BA, CSCS

As a strongman competitor, Darren has pulled 50,000 lb trucks and dead lifted 805 lbs. As a competitive bodybuilder, he has won Provincial Super-heavyweight & Overall titles. As President & CEO of FREAK Fitness, he has coached his clients to hundreds of Novice, Provincial/State, National, and IFBB Pro titles. Having been involved in the sport of bodybuilding for over 20 years, Darren has his finger on the pulse of the local and international bodybuilding scenes, and will be keeping you informed through his column, “Freak Fitness."

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Are Strength Sports Beneficial

Q.I heard you used to compete in strength sports. What did you do, and how has it helped you as a coach and trainer?

A.Yes, I have competed in a wide variety of sports. I was initially involved in Strongman, making it to the CFSA Western Canadian Championships in 2004 (during which I tied for 1st in the Deadlift with 805 lbs) and tied for 4th overall. I also competed in the Scottish Heavy Events (like the Caber Toss), and bodybuilding. I went back to do another Strongman show in 2008, but injured my biceps and decided that was enough.

Despite the differences in these sports, they all require a dedication to training and a mental focus. Each offers their own set of challenges – the pure strength and cardio of Strongman, the timing and speed of the Heavy Games, the diet and rigorous preparation of Bodybuilding. Getting to my heaviest body weight 330+lbs in 2004 required a different mindset than dropping to my best bodybuilding competition weight of 237 lbs in 2009; all of these experiences have taught me something. I have learned a lot about myself, physically, mentally and emotionally – about competition, regimen, and priorities and what it takes to succeed. I use what I’ve learned to help my clients experience their own successes. It may sound melodramatic, but I get to share in that triumph too – and hey, I love what I do!