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Elite Physique

Dan Kennedy

Educated at the University of Western Ontario, Dan employs his degree in Kinesiology as the foundation of his personal training business Elite Physique. He’s also a National level bodybuilder and judge. Dan’s earned a reputation for his knowledge and his tell-it-like-it-is approach to performance enhancement!

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Another way of getting supplements over the U.S. border is by bringing across small amounts. One store owner I know drives over with his family. Each person is allowed a 30-day supply so he picks up the maximum amount per person. He will do this back and forth over the border all day long to stock up his supplement store!

Supplement Smuggling

Q. How prevalent are US contraband supplements in the Canadian market? How do they get these into the country? Are Indian reserves the hot spots?  

A. Smuggled supplements are everywhere in Canada. It shouldn’t surprise you to know that quite a number of stores have a few products with American labels. Indian Reserves? I’ve heard the rumors but I find that one a little hard to believe. What some stores do is set up a warehouse or retail outlet on the American side and transfer stock to their Canadian location. Some stores have been doing it this way for a long time. In fact, I know of a store that brings in pallets of products this way and then turns around and sells to other supplement stores!

Another way of getting products over the border is just by bringing across small amounts. For example, I know a store owner who drives over with his wife and kid. Each person in the car is permitted a 30-day supply. The driver will pick up the maximum amount per person according to the product’s label and declare it all when he hits the border. Luckily, most of the time he gets the wave-through by border security and ends up paying no taxes. The border doesn’t care how many times he goes over in a day. Sure they may look at him a little strange and even charge him the appropriate taxes (which he happily pays) but this store owner can really stock up on a few hot sellers (concentrated pre-workouts or fat burners) over the duration of one day.

It’s smuggling, plain and simple. Canadian consumers are happy for getting a cheap product and store managers are happy to out-sell their competition. I understand both sides but I think the laws are getting tighter for this type of activity in Canada but the government really doesn’t have the resources to go after every smuggler.

If you want Dan Kennedy to help you prepare for your next contest, visit www.ElitePhysique.ca