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Sports Medicine

Dr. Ken Kinakin D.C., CSCS
Dr. Ken Kinakin is a sport medicine doctor, chiropractor, certified strength and conditioning specialist and personal trainer! He’s also the author of the book “Optimal Muscle Training” and has competed in bodybuilding and powerlifting for over 20 years. Dr. Kinakin lectures around the world to doctors and personal trainers on the areas of weight-training, rehabilitation and nutrition. He is also the clinic director for the AIM Health & Wellness clinic (see www.aimhealthgroup.com), with a rehabilitation and training centre in Mississauga, Ontario. Dr. Kinakin founded the Society of Weight-Training Injury Specialists (SWIS), an organization that educates and certifies doctors, therapists and personal trainers in the area of exercise muscle testing, rehabilitation and treatment of weight training injuries (see www.swis.ca).
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Treating Dorian Yates With Chiropractic

QUESTION: What was it like to treat 6-time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates?

ANSWER: I invited Dorian to present at the SWIS symposium held in Toronto in 2001. We were on our way to listen to Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale talk about some new advanced nutritional research he uncovered. As we were walking to the presentation, we were discussing some of his injuries and he asked if I could take a look at him. So we grabbed a treatment table that was in the hallway and I started to assess him and found a variety of issues that I treated with Chiropractic Adjustments for the joint restrictions and ART (Active Release Therapy) for the muscle dysfunctions. I have to tell you, and this goes for most of the top bodybuilders that I have treated like Ronnie Coleman and Dorian Yates, they treat you with the utmost respect and confidence. They know you are a professional and treat you as such. They don't tell you what to do and ask a million questions. They just let you do what you need to do, and as a health professional, that is the highest compliment we could ever get.