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Power Eating

Lauren Jacobsen BSc. (Biochemistry)
Lauren received a degree in biochemistry from Trent University in Ontario, Canada where she studied creatine and its effects on sport performance. After graduating, Lauren decided to use her biochemistry background to develop performance-enhancing supplements for many of the top supplement companies in the industry. Lauren also practices what she preaches and has competed in bodybuilding and figure competitions throughout the world. In fact, Lauren placed 1st at the Canadian Natural Nationals, qualifying to compete at the IFBB Women’s World Championships in Spain as part of Team Canada! Lauren’s also a regular contributor to Inside Fitness. She’s also the co host of the hit TV show “Body Fuel” where she presents viewers with the proper use of sports supplements for enhancing athletic performance. Lauren will arm you with the latest research on novel ingredients, delivery systems and of course new product releases. If there’s something that works or is a downright scam, Lauren will be the first to report on it!
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Q. How much protein does a female need? Scott Welch said that there’s new research that shows that women should not take in more than 10 grams per meal, but that guy’s out to lunch and isn’t even a woman! His magazine is great, but he doesn’t know anything about what we need!

A. Well, Scott does present an interesting point, but it will take some explaining. First off, athletes do need more protein regardless of whether they’re male or female, especially versus the average person. Ideally, we look to maximize muscle mass and strength, which can only be done at protein levels far above the recommended daily dose. While most people need minimal protein, athletes do require more to sustain a positive nitrogen balance throughout the day and support muscle building. As far as intake goes, the body can digest about 95 percent of what it is supplied. However, it’s what your body does with that digested protein and how it best utilizes it for protein synthesis that determines how much your body really needs to be effective for building muscle. Current research has shown that the amino acid leucine is responsible for much of the anabolic properties of the protein we consume. This anabolic amino essentially turns on the pathway responsible for muscle building via mTOR activation. When leucine levels are low, it signals to mTOR to stop. When leucine is present again, mTOR is activated once again to do its job in muscle building, growth, and repair. Most research on this key essential amino acid suggests that leucine elicits its response on mTOR with a dose of as little as 3 grams.

The amount of protein required at a meal to achieve this outcome will differ based on the leucine content of the protein source. Some leucine-rich protein sources are eggs, meats, and poultry, as opposed to poor leucine sources such as wheat. Therefore, to ensure optimal muscle building, these leucine-rich proteins should be consumed every few hours, which is standard dietary procedure for any athlete who is following a high-protein diet and is concerned with muscle building. Most research suggests 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight, divided out over five or six meals. Digested protein will provide leucine for muscle building, along with other essential aminos that support other important metabolic functions throughout the body.

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