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Missy Truscott Shares 2023 Olympia Prep Leg Workout

Roger “Rock” Lockridge

Two-time and defending Fitness Olympia champion Missy Truscott is all in on going for her third title at the 2023 Olympia Weekend in Orlando, FL on Nov. 2-5. The champ gave her fans a glimpse at her life and prep in the form of a YouTube video that included a leg day workout.

Before the workout, her husband asked if this was going to be a “don’t want to get hurt” workout or if they were going to get after it. The champ confirmed she was all in for this session.


“I’m getting after it. I feel good.”


Seated Leg Curls

The first workout of the session was seated leg curls for hamstrings. Her husband said this was a signature call of the late John Meadows, who used to be Truscott’s coach. Even though this is for the back of the thighs, Truscott emphasized keeping her core tight throughout each set.


Banded Lateral Walks and Abductor Machine

The second movement was for the glutes, which Truscott admitted having trouble feeling work until this season. She performed band lateral walks with a resistance band loop around her thighs.

She then supersetted that with abductors while keeping the band on. Truscott said she would do two more rounds of those before moving on.


Single Leg Stiff-Legged Deadlift with a Band

Truscott added another band movement to her routine. She connected a band to a squat rack upright and wrapped the other end around her thigh. She then performed single stiff-legged deadlifts with a kettlebell in both hands. When she finished one leg, she repeated with the other. You can skip to the 7:45 portion of the video to see how she did this.


Leg Extensions

Her first direct quad exercise was a single leg extension. She told the camera that they opted to skip squats due to a planned choreography day to come.

Following one set with each leg, she switched to another machine where she worked both legs at the same time. Her husband assisted her on the final set to total failure.


Glute Machine

The next exercise was a machine that targeted the glutes and outer thighs. She had a band wrapped around the separate handles so she could hold the center to generate greater force. Highlights of multiple sets were shown here.



Even though the Physique round counts for one third of the score in Fitness, posing is still important. Truscott devoted some time to hitting poses in an aerobics room. The video goes on to show the rest of a day in her life during 2023 Olympia prep.

You can subscribe to Truscott’s channel to keep up with her prep leading up to her title defense in Orlando. In the meantime, you can train like the champ by following the sample leg day workout below.

  • Seated Leg Curl – 3 sets of 12-15 reps
  • Lateral Band Walk and Abductors with a Band – 3 supersets of 15 reps
  • Single Stiff-Legged Deadlift with a Band – 3 sets of 10 reps per leg
  • Leg Extensions – 3 sets of 15 reps with forced reps on the final set
  • Glute Machine – 3 sets of 20 reps

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