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Target Training - Spider Curl

Jason Poston

MI 29
Target Training
Jason Poston, IFBB Pro

Why you do this exercise: That particular exercise is just a different way to hit the biceps. I love different exercises based on how they feel. This one I love because I feel it in the peak of my biceps; it feels like my biceps is balling up the most. I just get a really good feel on this particular one. To me, most exercises are instinctive, meaning that you can read someone’s program or book, but at the end of the day you have to go by how you feel. This is just one of many exercises I do where I feel the best.

Points on execution:
1. Start: Remember to have your spine and back in a proper position. Start every exercise with proper posture. Too many people don’t have good posture when they start, so the finish will never be right and the finished product will never be right.

2. Midpoint: During the contraction, you need to feel the muscle lengthen and stretch all the way, then you need to feel it contract. Too many people go into exercises and immediately have too much weight, or they start with a bad range of motion. There are ways to slightly alter your wrist or feet so that it feels more natural for you. Play with your stance so that it feels the best to the muscle you’re targeting. Don't focus on the weight; focus on the muscle.

3. Finish: On the way down, I tend to take a little more time. On isolated movements, I take my time, whereas on compound movements, I tend to be more explosive. On a spider curl, there’s only one joint involved, so you don’t need to go really quickly and jack the weight around. You can also do this with a band and be more explosive.

How many sets and reps: 4 sets of 12.

How often: Once a month

For more Target Training bicep tips, check out this article from IFBB Pro Ron Partlow!