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Q: I heard the L-Carnitine ban in Canada is supposed to be lifted anytime now. Is this true? A: I’ve been hearing the same thing from “reliable” sources for well over a year now, so I won’t be...
Q: I notice a lot more guys are using CLA to help shed fat. What’s the deal? How does it help burn fat? A: CLA actually helps with fat loss in a few different ways. But the main way CLA improves fat...
Q. Is creatine HCl really worth the money? A. That’s an easy one—yes! Well, at least in my opinion, it’s worth the money. I’m a huge fan of creatine hydrochloride (HCl), which is often referred to...
Q. I went on vacation to Australia last month and brought some of my supplements with me. But when I got to customs, they inspected my carry-on bag and freaked! They actually confiscated my fat...
Q. Do I need an anti-aromatase if I’m on D-aspartic acid? A. Yes, I think it’s a good idea. The studies conducted on d-aspartic acid (DAA) measured not only the effects of DAA on testosterone...
Q. What’s desiccated liver and why would any bodybuilder ever want to take it in tablet form? A. Desiccated liver tablets are an ‘old-school’ bodybuilding supplement, I guess you could say. In the...
QUESTION: What does GMP mean? I notice that some supplements say they’re manufactured in a GMP facility. What exactly does that mean? Does it mean the supplements have been tested and are safe?...
QUESTION:  I want to use Tribulus to boost my test levels, but I keep reading about how you have to use the right “strain” of Tribulus, which apparently only comes from Bulgaria. Is this true?...
QUESTION: Go heavy or go home is how I live my life bro. Heavy weights, low reps and some kick ass music. I’ve found this to be the only way I gain mass. I’m 6’2 and weigh about 285 offseason. What’s...
