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MuscleDiet.net For many years and until fairly recently, most bodybuilders used to “bulk up” in the off-season and between shows. The theory was that you had to be in a calorie surplus to gain muscle...
When the MUSCLE INSIDER crew asked me to discuss things that boost metabolic rate, I very quickly realized that there are dozens! Of course, there are drugs such as thyroid (T3/T4), clenbuterol, the...
Ever wonder why some people can eat tons of carbs and more calories and not get fat? Or why some people have terrible diets and don’t exercise, yet live into their 90s? Or why some people eat too...
If you were around bodybuilding or were a hardcore gym-goer back in the 1990s or early 2000s, you’re probably familiar with ephedrine (or in its natural state, “ephedra,” from the herb called ma...
Okay guys, my tribute/contribution to MUSCLE INSIDER’s Arnold issue is the exercise that’s actually named after the man himself: the “Arnold press.” In the course of researching this lift, I did a...
I predict the two most revolutionary trends in health and fitness over the next several years will be in the areas of genetic testing and bacteria. The first is pretty obvious, but the second may...
How to get a good workout at a hotel while on the road Okay, many of us have been there: You find yourself staying at a low-end hotel, you go down to the gym, and all that’s there is a broken...
When it comes to water, some recommendations are all wet! We’re always hearing different recommendations about how much water or liquid we should be consuming—eight glasses, one gallon, even two...
Sugar Alcohols: Are These Low-Calorie Ingredients Good or Bad? A group of ingredients that’s getting more and more common in the supplements we buy (and that I often get asked about) is a category of...
Q: How much and how often should we take in protein? A: There’s always some wise guy out there who, when you start talking about protein or meal timing, says something like, “all this talk about...
