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OLYMPIA VS. THE ARNOLD As we approach the new year, and the Arnold is the next BIG IFBB Pro show on the schedule, it's only fitting that we talk about the Arnold show relative to other IFBB Pro... more
Q. With the Lance Armstrong doping scandal, it seems like all top cyclists and MMA fighters are jacked up on EPO. What is EPO and does it have any applications for other sports? Can it help with fat... more
There’s a common question that always arises when you’re training: “When do I take an unscheduled day off training; is it when I feel sore or tired?” Most people just suck it up and go train... more
In every competition season, I have the opportunity to travel to cities across Canada and the USA for various shows, ranging from regional level to IFBB Pro. Because of my exposure to so many regions... more
There’s a general misunderstanding about what it takes to compete at the IFBB Pro level. I’m not talking about genetics, work ethic, and/or commitment. What most people get wrong is that they think... more
Abs on the Road
Phenomenal Abdominals - Markus Kaulius
As a small business owner, I’m on the road a lot. Magnum Nutraceuticals is available in more than 50 countries worldwide, which means I spend a fair amount of time living the hotel life. I’m never... more
