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QUESTION: From the countless strength coaches you’ve interviewed and the top pros you’ve trained with, what would you say are the best back exercises out there?

QUESTION: A friend of mine works at a pharmacy, and he said he can help me get a steroid called Medrol. He said it works like Anadrol, but I haven’t been able to find any more...

QUESTION: Do you think women have to train differently than men off-season and pre-contest?

This is a great question but to answer it right, I asked a women to answer...

QUESTION: I’ve seen collagen in various protein bars on the market, and you claim that this is a shit protein source in terms of quality. What does he mean by this?

QUESTION: I've seen avocados show up on countless bodybuilding diets, I see them inside california rolls and health nuts seem to tout their virtues like they're some kinda miracle food....

QUESTION: Do you think the Mr. Olympia is fixed? And how is it that MuscleTech is the headline sponsor of the Olympia show every single year and by coincidence Jay Cutler always wins the...

QUESTION: What’s up with Bee Pollen? I’ve heard it naturally increases energy levels and is a great nutrient source full of essential vitamins and minerals, but I’m starting to think it’...


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QUESTION: Scott I love your "tell it like it is" approach to bodybuilding. So what's your honest opinion of Dexter Jackson's likelihood of ever winning an Olympia title again?...
