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Scott Welch

Scott Welch BASc. (Nutrition)

Scott Welch has devoted his career studying performance enhancement and weight loss through dietary intervention. He received a bachelor of applied science degree in Nutrition from Ryerson University and later completed a post-graduate certificate in advertising. He’s had countless interactions with leading scientists, doctors, and hundreds of trainers from around the world, giving him a unique perspective that others lack. Welch founded MUSCLE INSIDER in 2009.


Hey bro, what’s your honest opinion of female bodybuilding?

I’m a huge...

Scott, I wanna get shredded. What steroids do the pros use to rip off the fat?...

Get your St.Patrick's Day protein fix with this lean green protein shake!


Product Review: KARBOLYN®

KARBOLYN® really gained traction in the...

By Scott Welch, Owner MUSCLE INSIDER

1996 was the...

Q. Scott, just wanted to say keep up the great work. I have been...

This herb originated from ancient Chinese medicine where it was used as a tonic with a host of...

Geranamine is a relatively simple and small organic molecule found in geranium oil, and it is...

Fucoxanthin is a carotenoid (part of the Vitamin A family) found in edible brown seaweed. Some...

This ingredient’s full name is glycine propionyl-l-carnitine hydrochloride. What this boils down...
