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Dr. Rafael Santonja ReElected as President of the IFBB

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Top news from the 2014 IFBB Electoral Congress:

Dr. Rafael Santonja was re-elected IFBB President for the next four-year term!

The elections took place at the IFBB Congress in Brasilia, Brazil, held in conjunction with the 2014 IFBB World Bodybuilding Championships.

No special presentation was needed, as Dr. Santonja has held this position since 2006, when he was elected IFBB President for the first time, as a successor to the IFBB founder and first president Ben Weider. Then, he was re-elected in 2010. During his fist two terms, Dr. Santonja proved himself to be a very efficient manager, open-minded strategist and innovative leader, who moved the Federation up to a new higher level, that was never expected before.

Delegates representing National Federations from all continents unanimously approved Dr. Santonja’s candidacy with great applause and standing ovation, giving him a mandate to run the Federation through the next four years. His tireless work and activity “24-hour per day and 364 days per year” as Mr. Albert Busek said, is amazing and has brought incredible successes: IFBB affiliates190 member countries, holds around 2000 events in a year worldwide, participates in more and more Games of the Olympic Program, is active on all continents, nowadays runs competition in 11 sport divisions, implemented many new top international events (like Arnold Amateur, Amateur Olympia, Ben Weider Cup), the biggest IFBB events have over 1000 participants, AND has developed new media cooperation (Eurovision contract).

We would like to extend our congratulations to Dr. Santonja, and wish him nothing but the best over the next 4 years of his term!