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QUESTION: Hey Scott, Loving the MI activity lately! The latest issue was killer, can't wait to see what's in store next. Your online presence on Facebook is also staggering, with a new informative...
QUESTION: Do Oxygen tanks improve athletic performance? I see that IFBB Pro Shawn Ray is now endorsing one. What's your take?  Gary Silver, Brooklyn, New York ANSWER: We've seen old photos of...
QUESTION: Is it true that fake weights are often used in photo shoots to make the champs seem stronger than they really are? ANSWER: Yes, this is true! The fake weights are now made of aluminum,...
One of the most greatly misunderstood bodybuilding concepts is one that means the most. Coming in dry and tight is always one of the hardest parts of anyone’s contest prep, from the pro level right...
QUESTION: Hey Scott. Mad props for you for sponsoring the female bodybuilding division at the London show. Sorely needed nowadays. So I'm definitely have to give you mad props for stepping up...
QUESTION: What's your opinion of Leucine and its use in bodybuilding? ANSWER: There are 20 amino acids needed to build muscle and other cell structures in the body. Eight of these aminos can’t be...
Those of you around the steroid scene for a while will recognize Dan Duchaine as the original "Steroid Guru". His book "The Underground Steroid Handbook" was wildly popular in the 80s and 90s and was...
