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You were one of the most popular bodybuilders of all time. What were some of the craziest examples of fans obsessed with the Kovacian? I’ll give you one example of many. I was in Iceland for an...
I heard in a radio interview that Wayne DeMilia tried to get you to pose naked for him or some shit. What exactly went down? LOL. No, I never said he wanted me to pose naked. I said he came to my...
What was your heaviest bodyweight ever in your life, and what would an average day’s eating regimen look like? The heaviest I ever weighed was 412 pounds. And boy, was that uncomfortable. I weigh 365...
Of all the top pros in bodybuilding today, if you could make the perfect bodybuilder, whose body parts would you pull from to build the perfect beast? ABS: That’s a tough one. Of the current guys, no...
Are the natural bodybuilders you see in the magazines really natural like they claim to be? There are very few truly natural bodybuilders that compete or do photo shoots. You could say there are...
Big man, if you had to choose only one mass exercise per body part, which one would you choose and why? Well, you’ll never develop a muscle fully with only one exercise per body part. A small body...
Greg, you’ve worked with a number of experts or “gurus” in this industry. Who do you feel you benefitted the most from working with? Can you also name some of the other ones? I’m curious how you...
I’ve heard stories and read stuff back in the day about how big and strong you were that seem a tad bit exaggerated. What were your real measurements and lifts Greg? Let’s have no bullshit, please! I...
Q. What are some of your bodybuilding predictions for 2013? A. 2013 will be probably be a big one. The Mr. Olympia will actually be a nail-biter with Jay Cutler re-entering the mix. Kai showed this...
Q. Can you tell us some of your heaviest lifts? I doubt many bodybuilders today can even come close to some of the weights I know you lifted. A. I have flat benched 725 × 2, inclined 675 × 2, leg...
